
30th Nov 2011

Dragon’s roar as refurbishment work completed

By |2014-01-16T16:32:07+00:0030th November 2011|Resort News|

Twas mid November, and TowersTimes Forum members were staying at the Alton Towers Hotel. Yet, the main bar within - lay silent and closed.  Why? Well, we're pleased to say that eagle-eyed forum member 'siralgenon' has been finding out with a series of photos posted to our popular forums today! [...]

16th Nov 2011

Couple continues Towers noise complaint

By |2017-02-26T15:48:07+00:0016th November 2011|Resort News|

Stephen and Suzanne Roper, owners of the company Churchill China, are once again seeking compensation from Alton Towers for noise disturbances, which the couple claim have affected them at their Farley residence. The Ropers' legal battles with the park began in 2002, with one notable product being the noise abatement order which the couple [...]

8th Nov 2011

2012 February Half Term details

By |2023-02-11T13:53:11+00:008th November 2011|Events, Resort News|

The popular February Half Term event will return next year to Alton Towers, with limited rides offered between the 11th and 19th of February 2012. On each of these days the theme park will be open between 10am and 4pm. The construction of the two new rides for the 2012 [...]

4th Nov 2011

Merlin tests water for new Annual Pass Structure

By |2017-02-26T15:48:07+00:004th November 2011|Resort News|

Eagle eyed visitors to the Merlin Annual Pass Facebook page have discovered a Annual Pass Survey posted online that appears to be gathering feedback and thoughts around a 3rd higher tiered pass offering yet more perks and benefits beyond the current Premium pass level to its holder. The survey, which [...]

26th Oct 2011

Air on-ride DVDs now available

By |2014-01-16T16:48:16+00:0026th October 2011|Resort News|

For the past few months, some eagle-eyed TowersTimes members have been spotting developments around Air's ride area, including the addition of cameras in the tunnel and around the ride's circuit, as well as various types of lighting being tested in the tunnel. Today, in a surprise end-of-season revelation, Alton Towers [...]

19th Oct 2011

2012 Attraction Marketing Hots Up

By |2017-02-26T15:48:08+00:0019th October 2011|Resort News|

Several eagle eyed TowersTimes members at Alton Towers today spotted that there have been some new features added around the site of the highly anticipated 2012 attraction. Some of these include: Actors patrolling the area in radiation suits, scanning park guests with Geiger Counters (The devices used to measure radiation [...]

5th Oct 2011

Towers launch 2012 attraction Mini Site

By |2017-02-26T15:48:08+00:005th October 2011|Resort News|

Following the release of the Scarefest 2011 Map earlier today, and the revealtion that the 2012 attraction would be based around 'Nemesis: What lies beneath", Alton Towers have now launched a mini site at The site begins with a video in code, showing that a team of scientists have discovered [...]

5th Oct 2011

Scarefest Map and Possible 2012 Ride Name Revealed

By |2023-02-11T13:40:02+00:005th October 2011|Events, Resort News|

Alton Towers have released another Scarefest treat on their countdown calendar, today's revelation comes in the form of the park map for the Scarefest event showing the many additional attractions, plus a little surprise for eagle-eyed fans of the park. The map confirms what has been widely known about the [...]

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