Resort News

29th Sep 2011

Towers boost Scarefest attraction line up

By |2023-02-11T13:40:02+00:0029th September 2011|Events, Resort News|

Alton Towers Theme Park will host two additional Scarefest attractions when the event is unleashed to the general public from Saturday, 15th to Monday, 31st October 2011. Th13teen: After Dark has been added to the range of spooktacular halloween attractions which follows on from the limited success of Th13teen: Live [...]

9th Sep 2011

Interior of mysterious 2012 attraction revealed

By |2017-02-26T15:48:08+00:009th September 2011|Resort News|

As we announced previously the planning documents for the 2012 attraction at Alton Towers were released on the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council Planning website last week. These plans detailed much of the outside of the new attraction but revealed very few details of the interior of the building and where [...]

1st Sep 2011

2012 Attraction Confirmed for Forbidden Valley

By |2017-02-26T15:48:08+00:001st September 2011|Resort News|

Last week, we reported that Alton Towers had submitted a planning application for the "construction of new indoor ride at Alton Towers Resort and associated hard/soft landscaping works". Today, the Staffordshire Moorlands planning website has released the associated documents, all of which describe the development as "ATR 2012 New Attraction" [...]

24th Aug 2011

Towers make planning application for 2012 ride

By |2014-01-16T20:56:26+00:0024th August 2011|Resort News|

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council have this week received a planning application from Alton Towers Resort Operations for a new ride, which is presumably designed to be the main new attraction for the 2012 theme park season. The application, which does not have planning documents attached yet, is for the 'construction [...]

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