Resort News

10th Nov 2012

Lodges expected in 2014

By |2017-02-26T15:48:05+00:0010th November 2012|Resort News|

Alton Towers are starting to move forward with their long term plan by submitting planning applications towards their new Log Cabin proposal, details of the plan include installing a large number of family orientated Cabins as well as a new idea they are calling "Holes" these are much alike to [...]

9th Nov 2012

Spa Christmas Deal

By |2014-01-15T17:02:26+00:009th November 2012|Resort News|

Relax this Christmas with a fantastic 2-for-1 Spa package! For £99, totally unwind with a fantastic range of treatments and relaxation, including; - Enjoy 6 hours in the tranquil setting of the Aqua Relaxation Rooms, with access to the pool, sauna, steam room and much more. - Traditional back massage, [...]

9th Nov 2012

Alton Towers’ Long Term Development Plan.

By |2014-01-15T17:03:17+00:009th November 2012|Resort News|

The Alton Towers resort have recently updated their Long Term Development Plan (LTDP) regarding the resorts future. Information included within the LTDP identifies the background of the Park as well as the local heritage involved with such an area, The document exhibits environmental aspects as well as development points for [...]

4th Nov 2012

Theme Park closes for 2012

By |2014-01-15T17:06:34+00:004th November 2012|Resort News|

Today sees the Alton Towers Resort close it's theme park gates for the last time in 2012 as the Fireworks Event brings the park to an explosive finale. Alton Towers opened its park gates for the 2012 season on March 24th, offering guests a chance to ride their most terrifying [...]

22nd Oct 2012

Scarefest Extended!

By |2023-02-11T13:40:02+00:0022nd October 2012|Events, Resort News|

Alton Towers' website has been updated with the announcement that Scarefest will receive an 'extended day' on Thursday November 1st. Previously, this day was to be a 'normal' day at the Theme Park, sandwiched between the final day of Scarefest and the first day of the annual fireworks event. Now, [...]

19th Oct 2012

2014: Plans for Lodge Accommodation

By |2014-01-15T17:09:43+00:0019th October 2012|Resort News|

The plans include phased development of 150 lodges, associated reception/restaurant and servicing buildings at Alton Towers Resort, along with hard and soft landscaping, disabled car parking, and associated drainage works. Speaking to The Pulse, Mark Kerrigan, Operations and Development Director at Alton Towers Resort, said that "around 30% of our guests [...]

17th Oct 2012

Alton Towers Releases SW7 Update

By |2014-01-15T17:10:59+00:0017th October 2012|Resort News|

Alton Towers has issued a press release which confirms a few unknown details about the ride. Interesting the ride is now confirmed to feature a new design of ride train with 16 riders positioned in 4 rows of 4. The press release also confirms the opening date to be 16th [...]

6th Oct 2012

Scarefest App Now Live

By |2023-02-11T13:40:02+00:006th October 2012|Events, Resort News|

Alton Towers today tweeted that they were launching a special Scarefest app. The Scarefest app is planned to be released within the next couple of days. It's not yet known what devices the app will be available for. As soon as we know more we will let you know. The [...]

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