Commencing in late 2016, we said goodbye to The Flume for the construction of Alton Towers Resort’s first wooden coaster, and the first wooden coaster in the UK for over twenty years, Secret Weapon 8. The roller coaster was subsequently unveiled as Wicker Man and opened for the 2018 season.
11th December
Work finally commenced on the future site of Secret Weapon 8 in early December. Demolition of The Flume ride structure was well underway with the ride troughs in the area over what was the lake, including the final drop, now completely destroyed and placed in a pile waiting to be taken away. It would seem that there had also been some changes to the original plans for SW8 with the old Flume station being demolished, despite original plans indicating it would be retained as a theming feature. The queueline fencing had also largely been taken down with just the fence posts and ride entrances remaining to mark the path the queue one took. The building which once housed Mexican Cantina had now been completely demolished leaving just the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream unit standing. The Flume bathtubs were being temporarily stored in an area normally used for staff parking in the main season.
21st January
Several large mounds of earth appeared in the SW8 construction compound next to the staff and priority parking area, suggesting that landscaping work was ongoing on the construction site. Various items of heavy construction machinery, including winches, rollers and dumper trucks were parked up on the site as would be expected, whilst various pieces of timber and metalwork were being stored towards the entrance to the Priority Parking area although at this stage it was not clear what these would be used for.
9th April
With the theme park now open for the season, it was now possible to get a much better look at what was going on at the construction site. The concrete foundations for the main station building was in place, as well as a number of concrete footings for the ride itself around the site. Metal rebar had also been set in location ready for the pouring of further footings, while groundwork continued across the area.
7th May
Some of the first footers have now been completed and metal framework can be seen in preparation for the pouring of others. A large concrete platform has been created which has had a number of L-shaped metal footers for the coaster’s supports secured to it, as well as some larger, square footers, thought to be for the large theming feature, understood to be a wickerman figure. Set within the concrete platform are several pipes, two for drainage, and two for cabling. On top of the side of the station nearest the former Mutiny Bay to Katanga Canyon pathway, further L-shaped track supports have been added. The first delivery of timber has also been made to the construction compound (although we understand the timber was delivered to the Resort two weeks prior), with Great Coasters International (GCI) now also on Resort.
27th May
Timber has now started to be transferred onto the site itself, with the wooden framework for what is believed to be part of the station building and ride supports. Inside the concrete section of the station building further wooden structures can be seen, which is speculated to be the first sections of the wooden rollercoaster’s layout. Work on the track foundations has continued at a steady rate, with the metal brackets which will support the wooden bents continuing to be added to the completed foundations.
17th June
The past couple of weeks has seen the continued emergence of the metal framework at the Mutiny Bay end of the site for what is thought to be a large theming feature. Within the metal framework, wooden bents have been installed for the three times the track will pass through the structure. Metal brackets have also been added to the top of the framework in place so far. The wooden bents and framework for the track can be seen both coming out towards where the lift hill will be, and also for the brake run of the wooden coaster which can be seen going down the side of and behind the station. Over by what will eventually be the lift hill, flat wooden panels have been erected for what plans show may be a small building. Elsewhere on the site, extensive excavations have been carried out as work continues on the foundations for the rest of the track’s layout.
24th June
Work on the station and maintenance building has been progressing swiftly in the past week with the station now having its roof fully covered, and the maintenance building in the process of having its roof installed. Elsewhere, the concrete foundations at the lower end of the construction site have now had the metal brackets installed ready to receive the wooden bents. Additional metalwork has also been added to what is expected to be the theming structure.
5th July
July saw the return of MI7, and our first aerial update of SW8. Some of the most significant progress has been on the lift hill which is now almost at its peak. In anticipation of the next phase of construction of this section, supports have also been added for the first drop. One third of the way up the lift hill the images clearly show the change in gradient. Work on the track in the area of the station and maintenance buildings appears to be well advanced with the first layers of pine laid which will be further built up before the metal track is placed on top. At the lower end of the site further additions have been made to what will eventually be the theming feature with even more metal work being added.
8th July
Construction of the roller coaster’s lift hill has now reached a key point with the structure having reached its peak on Friday 7th July. As is traditional with GCI projects, the reaching of the roller coaster’s highest point has been marked with the placing of three flags representing the countries involved in the project. The wooden bents for the first drop are being assembled next to its foundations before being lifted into place by crane. Down towards the lower end of the site, additional concrete foundations have now been laid in the large hole which had been excavated. Even more metal appears to have been added to what is speculated to be the large theming feature at the Mutiny Bay end of the site, with additional wooden bents also having been added.
20th July
These photos, taken by a member of the Attraction Source community, show construction continuing at a rapid pace, with the all the bents for the first drop after the lift hill now in place, and a wooden platform constructed under the peak of the lift hill itself. The main theming element has now been surrounded by scaffolding and covered almost completely from view, suggest more extensive theming works are about to get underway. However, this hasn’t stopped more bents being erected in the vicinity of the theming structure. Elsewhere on the site, more work is taking place on the roofs for the station and maintenance buildings, with walls also beginning to enclose them.
12th August
Work is now underway on the building for the pre-show, with the metal framework having been erected. Work has also continued on the turn in front of the main theming structure. Wooden bents have also been added to the turn towards the centre of the site and just to the side of this turn, a small wooden building has been constructed which will become a queue line shop. A wooden, building like structure has also appeared at the base of the main theming feature, however at this stage it is unclear what this is for. Elsewhere on the site, work is ongoing on the lift hill as the structure moves towards being made ready to receive the track.
16th & 17th August
With the first real teasers released for SW8’s theme, work on theming feature has stepped up over the past few days, as what look to be some form of metal horns are now protruding from the structure. Also visible are a number of dark brown jagged elements poking above the scaffold covering with more being added at regular intervals. Elsewhere across the site, the roof structure has started to be added to the small building next to the theming element, while the pre-show building’s roof has begun to be covered.
22nd August
Despite the lack of sunshine in recent days, work has continued on the site of SW8 with the layers of pine being built up on the lift hill track in preparation for the metal layer which will sit on top. The lift hill now also clearly shows a chain trough, seemingly confirming it will not feature a launch. Additional bents are being installed across the layout, whilst the final concrete foundations are being poured elsewhere on the site. Coloured posts have also appeared on the ground, which suggest the queue line is being marked out. The construction fences have now been updated to reflect the branding on the website, as well as promoting the link between SW8 and new scare maze, The Welcoming.
30th August
These images, taken by an Attraction Source Community Member, show that track work is underway on the first drop and on the turns which have already been constructed, whilst next to the theming structure, the small building has now had basic walls and a roof added. Wooden fencing is also being added in an area towards the centre of the site. Inside the pre-show building, what appear to be studs have been added for the walls. Work is also underway on the first sections of the ride’s queue line with brick paving being laid at the Mutiny Bay end of the area.
14th September
These images, provided by an Attraction Source Community Member, show that recent days have seen the theming element grow in height, with a few gaps in the tarpaulin cover providing a peek at the structure underneath, which looks to be clad with what resembles wooden slats. The first stages of track work are now visible throughout the layout, and several layers have been added to that of the lift hill. With all track foundation work seemingly complete, it appears the only wooden bents yet to be installed are those for the three turns at the bottom of the site. Work also continues on the roof and walls of the pre-show building, while themed rockwork has begun to be added to the visible concrete walls that form part of the foundation for the complex of buildings.
17th September
In our biggest update so far we took a closer look at some of the details of the theming structure that can be seen peeking out of the green tarpaulin covering. The small building at the base of the theming feature has also been fully completed having had cladding and roof tiles added. We also took a close-up look at the themed rockwork being added to the wall running underneath the station building and towards the Mutiny Bay end of the site. Work has continued on laying the first stages of the wooden track. In some areas of the track the side barriers are in the process of being added, whilst in other areas, including along the lift hill, metal ducting is being installed to allow for the ride wiring. The station and maintenance building is now fully covered in cladding. Further progress has also been made in adding the queueline paths at the lower end of the site with a layer of sand currently covering the brick paving to fill in the gaps between the bricks. Underneath the lift hill, a small concrete staircase has been added which it is thought will eventually form part of the queueline.
4th November
The final weekend of the 2017 season saw the path from Mutiny Bay to Katanga Canyon opened up for full days for the first time. The main station and maintenance building is now completely enclosed and clad in ‘aged’ wood. The track which travels through the theming structure is now in the process of being added. The lift chain system has now been installed with the main chain return cog clearly visible at the lift hill’s peak. Across the site, the track is in various stages of being installed, with the metal topper track now in place on the lift hill and first drop. Work has also been steadily continuing on the queueline with large sections of paving now in place along with fencing. What would appear to be the games stall indicated on plans has also been constructed at the Mutiny Bay end of the construction site. The rockwork theming on the wall underneath and next to the station is also now complete. For the first time, guests were able to walk directly underneath the ride this weekend as the access road leading underneath the lift hill was opened for a brief period following each fireworks display.
18th February
The ride entrance sign and information board for Wicker Man are now installed as shown in these images taken by an Attraction Source Community Member. Also shown is some of the theming details in the form of what look to be flame torches by the entrance and around the front of the ride area, and banners and bunting just visible inside the queue line area. The pathway leading between Mutiny Bay and Katanga Canyon has now been repaved, and evidence of the ride’s testing can be seen in the form of signage and a clearance envelope.
All images were taken from the area in front of Sharkbait Reef by SEALIFE which is open as part of the Pirates and Princesses Takeover.
Meet The Maker
On Thursday 8th March, TowersTimes was invited to a special ‘Meet the Maker’ event, alongside other enthusiast communities to get a special preview of Wicker Man ahead of its grand opening on 17th March 2018. Our full collection of photos from the event is available below, as well as an article here.